

if I was not going to be an art teacher, I would have wanted to be a pastery chef, and make wedding cakes :)

Collaborative Presentation

Telepistemology: Technological Agency

Telepistemology: Technological Agency investigates the fascinating world of interactive digital art work. Interactive media is fairly new to the art world and it is imperative that the public be exposed to it. Kenneth Rinaldo and Ken Goldberg’s work engages the viewer and transforms him or her into a participant. Their work exhibits the boundless possibilities now available with the advent of the internet and robotic technology. Both artists employ digital technology in an inventive way and completely immerse the viewer in the work. However, Rinaldo and Goldberg present their work to the public in different manners. Kenneth Rinaldo creates structures installed directly in the gallery, like “Autopoesis” which is large enough to fill an entire room, where as Ken Goldberg works primarily over the internet. For example, despite the physical garden in a gallery setting, “Telegarden” required participation through a website; people all over the world could take part from their own homes. These two artists were chosen for the Telepistemology exhibition because they exemplify the new growth of art combined with technology and make it possible for everyone to participate directly with that new growth.

Kenneth Rinaldo Websites

Ken Goldberg's Website: http://goldberg.berkeley.edu/art/
The Telegarden Website: http://www.telegarden.org/tg/
Ouija 2000: http://goldberg.berkeley.edu/art/ouija/ and http://ouija.berkeley.edu/
Tele-Actor: www.tele-actor.net
-TeleTwister: http://teleactor.berkeley.edu/tele-twister/index.html
Legal Tender: www.counterfeit.org